All our products are digital and are available for immediate download. Once your payment is accepted, you are redirected automatically to the download page or presented with a link to return to merchant, which takes you to the download page.
Our system is fully automated and relies on eMail to notify you of important information. If you did not reach the download page, please check your eMail inbox and junk/spam folders (and Promotions folder in gMail) for eMails sent from Our payment processor uses for all purchases regardless of which website was used to make the purchase.
If you did not get to the download page, look for the three eMails we sent to confirm your purchase. The eMail with the subject "Registration" contains your login credentials to login to our system to access your purchase. If you cannot locate this eMail in your eMail inbox or junk/spam folder, you can click on this link and use the "Forgot password?" option.
If you still have a problem, you will need to open a ticket. You must include your purchase information on the ticket so we know who, what, and when the purchase was made.